The Bhotia Grazing Rules 1927
No. 712/XIV-155-1918-In continuation of this department notification no. 519/XIV-155-1918. date May 12, 1927. The Governor in Council of the Uttar Pradesh State, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (i) of section 32 and clause (d) of section 76 of the Indian Forest Act (no. XVI of 1927), has made the following rules: they supersede the rules contained in notification no. 596/XIV-155-1918, dated December 16, 1918 to regulate grazing in the reserved and protected forests of Kumaun Civil Division, of cattle including sheep and goats, belonging to Bhotias (of all classes). Tibetans, Danpuris, residents of Garhwal, Almora and Nainital, during such time as the cattle may be used as pack animals for the purpose of carriage.

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