Wool Growth Center
State Wool Growth Center
Objective- Formation of “Organic Wool Producer Cooperative Society” of State Sheep Farmers.
- Training in machine wool shearing to unemployed youths of sheep rearing families.
- Organization of machine wool shearing camps.
- Organic certification of wool for value addition of raw wool.
- Strengthening of State Wool Laboratory, Pashulok Rishikesh.
- Wool buyer-seller conference.
- Organization of sheep exhibition and medical camps.
- Organizing the sheep farming business of sheep farmers through machine shearing, wool analysis, wool grading and organic wool production thus, improving the livelihood of the farmers.
State Wool Shearing and Marketing Process
Objective- Organization of machine shearing camps in sheep dominated districts.
- Shearing sheep by machines and training of farmers in the camps.
- Grading, packaging of the sheared wool of sheep farmers & marketing it under the brand name of ‘Uttarakhand Wool’.
- To provide a fair price for the sheared wool of the sheep farmers by Organization of buyer-seller meet.
- Under this scheme, in the last few years, the sheep farmers almost got double the price of their raw wool.
- In sheep dominated areas of the state, about 29 summer and 13 winter shearing & veterinary camps were organized and the sheep were sheared by machine Shearing as well as the farmers were trained for the same.
- Grading and packaging of sheared wool of sheep farmers which is then Marketed under the brand name of ‘Uttarakhand Wool’.
- Under the scheme, in sheep dominated districts organization of shearing camps by machine.
- In 2022-23, 12 machine wool shearing camps were organized benefiting 100 shepherds by shearing wool from their 3975 sheep which led to production of about approximately 5003 kg. of wool.
Central Wool Development Board, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India
- Associated scheme (Year 2019-2021)
- Machine shearing training was given to the unemployed youth of the state
- Under the scheme, unemployed youth of the state were being trained in machine shearing.
- State Veterinary Officers were being trained artificial insemination in sheep
- Organization of wool shearing camps was proposed.
- Organization of medical camps, seminars proposed for Shepherds.
- projection microscope was established in State Wool Lab. Pashulok, Rishikesh
- bale press Machine was established in Wool grading cum sale-purchase center in Munikireti.