Production Data

Income from Livestock Product (Wool and Meat Production) in Uttarakhand

Year Wool Production  Meat Production Grand
Total Income
Rs. In lakhs
Rate Rs.
per Kg
Total Income
Rs. in lakhs
Lakh Kg.
Lakh Kg.
Total Meat
Lakh Kg.
Rate Rs.
per Kg
Total Income
Rs. in lakhs
2010-11 362 38.00 144.881 17.063 46.032 63.095 200.00 17666.60 17811.4808
2011-12 370.530 40.00 148.212 18.112 54.388 72.500 280.00 24650.00 24798.2120
2012-13 399.937 40.00 159.9748 20.672 79.520 100.192 340.00 34065.28 34225.2548
2013-14 440.167 40.00 176.068 18.949 85.679 104.628 350.00 36750.00 36926.0680
2014-15 468.93 45.00 211.02 20.500 88.201 108.701 350.00 38045.35 38256.3700
Source- Statistics Cell, Deptt. Of Animal Husbandry Uttarakhand.